Rotary Pavilion Upgrades
Our club constructed a pavilion in downtown Rockford over 30 years ago.  The structure was then donated to the city at some point.  Over the years the structure has declined a bit and was in need of a big makeover. We are currently in the midst of that make over.  We donated $40,000 to the city to fund the remodel.  We are hoping to have the structure useable in time for Chicken BBQ in September.
Benches on the White Pine Trail
The city of Rockford had 13 steel benches that used to be used inside the Rotary Pavilion to provide seating for whoever was enjoying the pavilion.  We used them for Rotary BBQ and other events as well.  Those benches are no longer needed in the Pavilion, so the city donated the benches to our club for our use. We decided to place the benches along the White Pine Trail which runs right through Rockford.  Wolverine World Wide will use 6 of the benches.  Our club is going to place 3 of the benches along the Rockford section of the trail.  The remining 4 benches are available for other clubs to use along their sections of the trail.  We will take care of getting the benches sandblasted and painted. They will then be available to purchase.  Please contact our club if you are interested in purchasing a bench for your club. (LINK)
Many elementary school age kids in Rockford go home hungry at night. A lot of them don't have any meals for the entire weekend because their family does not have enough money for food. We will be purchasing food and then assembling non-perishable items that Hand2Hand can use to fill kids backpacks this fall.  The food assembly activity will happen in mid-October. 
Fishing Line Disposal Containers
Fishing Line Disposal Containers
One of our Rotarians saw these fishing line disposal containers along waterways in Florida.  We decided it would be a benefit to fishermen in our community and a benefit to the environment in Rockford.  As a result, we are working to build up and place 4 disposal units along the Rogue river in downtown Rockford. We hope to have all four units in place before winter. 
Garden Club Park Stage
Our club donated $30,000 to help the City of Rockford re-build the music stage downtown.  The stage is used for worship in the park, jazz nights and more.  It is a great community project that we are proud to be a part of.