| The Rotary Club of Rockford is excited to again be part of the Rotary Youth Exchange for the 2025-26 school year! This is a three-year program for students living in the Rockford Public School District. Year one is spent preparing for exchange with a series of learning conferences, year two is the exchange year, and year three is the "rebound" year which includes a conference to debrief from the exchange experience and re-acclimate to home culture. Cost for the program participants is approximately $8,000.00. Youth will be staying with a Rotarian family in their host country which helps keep the cost affordable to families. To apply, click on the link to complete the application for the 2025-26 school year. Students applying must have been born after February 1, 2007 and before February 1, 2010. Applications due by September 18, 2024 Questions? Contact Jon Loux rockfordrotarytreasurer@gmail.com |